Relocation Services


What documents do I need for relocation to Germany? How will my degree be recognized? What benefits am I entitled to for myself and my child? What will my insurance coverage be? How can I get a loan and which savings package is best for me? How can I bring my family now that I am settled?

Whether you have decided to seek your next professional step in Germany or you are currently living and working in the country and looking for information about changing direction, dozens of questions like these will concern you, stress you out and consume part of your energy.

"New Beginning" is here to answer all your questions, facilitate your transition and guide you towards your goal!



to guide you towards achieving your goals

Our extensive knowledge of the German reality and years of experience in providing social and economic consultancy to our fellow nationals active in the country enable us to offer reliable answers to all your questions and concerns, as well as optimal solutions to any problems you may encounter. From completing documents and applications to opening bank accounts and obtaining your tax identification number (ΑΜΚΑ), and from obtaining residence permits to guiding you through insurance, savings, tax, and professional matters, we are here to open doors and collaborate with you to design a roadmap towards achieving your goals.



Understanding how challenging daily life can be in Germany, our office provides advice and support for all the everyday issues that concern us.

Application Filling

We inform and guide you through the correct completion of applications for unemployment benefits, child allowance (Kindergeld), housing allowance, and various other rights available to residents of Germany. We undertake the process of drafting and submitting documents to meet the requirements of German authorities, including handling the procedures and ensuring the necessary documents are obtained and translated from Greek to German, as needed, to ensure a successful application outcome.

Financial Counseling

Ask us about banking loans, insurance packages (health insurance, life insurance, legal coverage, retirement plans, etc.), savings packages and programs, and any other financial matters that concern you. We provide guidance to individuals and businesses on issues related to their financial strategy. We help define goals for you, your family, and your business, and collaborate on designing appropriate actions to ensure their achievement.

Application for residence & work permit

Αναλαμβάνουμε τη σύνταξη και υποβολή της αίτησης νόμιμης διαμονής (έκδοση VISA) και επαγγελματικής δραστηριότητας στη Γερμανία για κατοίκους τρίτων χωρών. Αφορά, για παράδειγμα, υπήκοους χωρών εκτός Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, που έχουν ζήσει και εργαστεί για κάποια χρόνια ως μετανάστες στην Ελλάδα, αλλά για διάφορους λόγους δεν έχουν εξασφαλίσει νομιμοποίηση ως κάτοικοι χώρας – μέλους. Με τη μετεγκατάστασή τους μέσω Ελλάδας στη Γερμανία, έχουν τη δυνατότητα να εξασφαλίσουν άδεια παραμονής και εργασίας.

Consultative Support

If you've decided to turn the page in your professional career and seek your next steps in Germany, at "Nea Arxi" you'll find everything you need for a smooth transition. We answer all your questions regarding cost of living, housing search, job opportunities, daily life matters, obtaining tax and social security numbers (ΑΦΜ and ΑΜΚΑ), opening a bank account, insurance coverage, healthcare, children's education, and anything else you may need. Even if you've already secured employment before your relocation, ask us about any concerns you may have, whether before or after your move. If you're just considering the possibility of immigration, we have the answers to your questions that will help you make a definitive decision.

Transfer of tax residency

A citizen who has spent a specific number (183) of days residing and working in Germany is no longer obliged to file a tax return in Greece. If you belong to this category and have not already settled this, contact us to inform you on how to become a tax resident abroad and provide you with useful advice on how to avoid unpleasant surprises such as double taxation, fines, and other pitfalls in your relationship with the tax authorities. Whether you are currently eligible or a future beneficiary, come and let us inform you about this and other tax matters.


Germany has perennially been—and continues to be—one of the top destinations for job seekers and a new life for hundreds of thousands of Greeks. As immigrants ourselves, second generation, integrated into German reality for decades, we possess the knowledge and experience to be your reliable advisor for those who wish to follow in our parents' footsteps. Whether you're planning to find work in Germany and seek guidance, or you already live and work anywhere in the country and face challenges in resolving issues, contact us. We will thoroughly discuss your profile and specific needs, providing personalized support for your relationship with municipal authorities—wherever you reside in Germany—and with the German public sector, your rights and obligations, insurance, pension, banking, housing, tax matters, and any other concerns you may have.



We look forward to meeting you!